Pediatric PT & OT Services – Seattle, WA Pediatric Therapy
Prior to scheduling please complete our Intake Questionnaire, Contract for Services and Authorization for Exchange of Information (files below).
When completed, please send the forms to us via one of the following ways:
- Mail: Pediatric PT & OT Services, 20310 19th Ave NE, Shoreline, WA 98155
- Fax: 206-367-9609
- Email: [email protected] (if you are comfortable emailing the completed forms)
We will notify you by email when the completed intake information is received. Receipt of the completed intake information will officially place your child’s name on our appointment list to schedule. Children are not on our appointment list until we receive the completed intake information. We always do our best to schedule therapy as quickly as we can.
When you open the Intake Questionnaire (Word Document) it is important that you click on the option to “save” or “save as” before you complete the form. If you do not “save” the file on your computer the information you enter will not be saved and could be lost when you close the file.
Please keep the completed documents on your computer until we confirm receipt at our office. We recommend that you keep a copy of the completed intake forms for your records.