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Pediatric Physical and Occupational Therapy Services

Pediatric PT & OT Services – Seattle, WA Pediatric Therapy

Profectum DIR® Masterclasses (Click here to view the schedule).

Profectum faculty and other renowned instructors address the questions, challenges, and concerns that arise in our work with families and children of all ages, advancing in-depth learning that promotes insight and reflection.  Masterclasses are open to everyone; check each course description for which audiences are most likely to benefit from the class.

Pediatric Physical & Occupational Therapy Services is a private practice located in the greater Seattle, WA area owned and directed by Rosemary White, OTR/L.

The practice specializes in working with children presenting with challenges associated with disorders of relating and communicating such as autism spectrum disorder, Asperger’s, sensory processing disorders (sensory integration disorders), regulatory disorders, dyspraxia, learning, behavioral, and neurological disorders.

The practice embraces the DIR®/Floortime Model of treatment developed by Stanley Greenspan, MD and Serena Wieder, PhD with emphasis on understanding the impact of the child’s sensory processing and postural control on their capacity to relate, communicate and learn. The focus of the practice is on empowering the child and parent in their interactions through child directed play.

Please contact us for information about our services. We are happy to accept new clients and look forward to speaking with you.